Thursday, December 31, 2009

3 Sea days with a Port Manning San Diego Day...

I know, it’s been awhile since the last update. But so little has happened that I can probably sum up the last 4 days in a page or two. The 3rd sea day was just a quiet day for me. I got up around 11, and watched movies, called my dad and apologized for not calling on Christmas for it was out of my power, and didn’t do much until the night. When I got to playing, it started off slow. Then it grew to be about 100 people at my bar screaming, dancing, singing along with me, girls screaming they loved me, and just having a great time. Unfortunately, because there were so many people from 10 o clock on, I didn’t stop to break, so I ended up playing 3 and a half hours straight.
I went to bed after so that I could rest my voice up. The next morning my voice was slightly sore, but not unusable, and it didn’t feel like I would have troubles that night. The day was quiet, and not much went on until the show. It never got as busy as the night before, but it was still active enough to keep me singing late. I went to bed soon after because the next day was San Diego day... even though I can’t get off, I can still make some phone calls.

So I woke up 8:45 and went up on deck two and called Nick, who got a promotion at work. So that’s great news. Then I called Dad, and talked to him for a bit. Christmas at home was good from what I hear. Everyone liked the calendars I had made from what I hear. I did a lot of browsing on the internet. I called Felicia and talked to her for a bit. In the middle of the conversation, I had remembered a song I had heard on CSI: NY when Train was performing on it, and the lead singer was a suspect. The song’s called “Hey, Soul Sister”. I had lunch with my boss, Jessica, Pat and Randy. Pat left soon after I got there, but then Jess, Randy and I had a big talk about working musicians on cruise ships and our reasons for wanting 4 hours over 5. So, Jessica said that we need to start clocking in every time we practice, look for music, setting up, boat drills and everything else. I suggested we get a sheet together for each person and write down exactly what we’re doing during those clock-ins so it doesn’t look like we’re just inflating hours. She said she had thought of that but was afraid we’d think it was too much. If the cause can possibly get us down to 4 hours again, then it’d be worth it. 4 hours is a lot more doable that 5.
Boat drill was the same ol’ routine, but it is my last drill which is very exciting! At our meeting, we had a powwow over things we liked and didn’t like on the ship. Then I went to my room and relaxed until I went to set up at 7. Within’ a few minutes my bar was busy and the casino was slammed. A couple girls sat in front of me and watched. Then a couple guys sat beside them. One of the guys yelled out I was really awesome. Then one of the girls told him to tell me I was cute too. Then I said over the mic.. it might be less gay if she just said it. That got the laughs going. I found out the girls’ names were Kasie (or Casie) and Amy. The guy that yelled out I was awesome was from Colorado. His name was Tag (short for Tagger.)
Amy bought a CD. She was pretty drunk. Kasie wasn’t as drunk as her by far. But I went and talked to them for a bit. They said they were going to the disco, after I finished, so I suggested that Amy “doesn’t fall down”. Then she turned around and said I was kind of a smart ass and she didn’t know if she liked that, and Casie said she really likes that. Then they left, and I went to eat in the staff mess and sat with Sopemla.
Afterwards, I went to my room to sleep!

The next day, I woke up at 1:40. I didn’t set any alarms so I could get exactly what sleep I needed, which was great because I didn’t feel tired at all, all day. I went up to eat on lido deck at 2. I got a phone card to exchange an order at Musiciansfriend. I had ordered a keyboard from them, but it wasn’t going to be in stock until after I went to college, so I called to exchange it for a bigger keyboard. The guy was real cool. He lowered the price by 10% and gave me free 2 day shipping. So that went well.
I must mention that I listened to “Hey, Soul Sister” 55 times since I’ve gotten it. I learned to play it yesterday. Took a couple hours to get down and comfortable with it (and for sure, I clocked in.) Apparently that song is on the radio or something, because a lot of people seem to know it.
I played that night for a bunch of people again, and Casie and Amy showed up about ten minutes before my break. On my way to talk to them, 4 people from San Diego asked me why I’m not playing in CA. They said I could easily sustain myself with gigs out here because I have so many songs and am such a good performer. I told them it’d have to be more of a guarantee of gigs, then just a few every once in awhile.
So I talked to the girls about last night. Amy didn’t seem to remember a lot of went down, which I predicted yesterday. I told her about the smart ass comment and the girls laughed. Casie went on to tell me she liked that because she always judges guys on how they react to Amy, and I guess I passed some sort of test? But regardless, I found out that Amy is an xray tech, and Casie waits tables... BUT she does have a couple degrees and a masters. She just can’t decide what she wants to do. Oh and the girls are 27, and 28.
I finished up around 12:15 last night. Which I needed to rest my voice because it was very sore. So I came back to my room and watched some family guy and was searching the internet. I did a Google search on myself to see if anything I didn’t know about had transpired with my music, and sure enough 24 pages in, I found a Yahoo question of someone asking what the music was on the Frank Frost Photography commercial. The lyrics are “You got your hair pulled back and a book in your hand.” Someone posted the answer “Where to Begin” by Derek Daisey. Which was neat all the same. THEN, I did more searching and apparently there were a few people looking for it. So I found the site for the company, and sure enough, my song was the main song playing on the site. So I thought that was interesting! And exciting. I also pray that I’m getting royalties on that song. It would be a nice surprise to get some come January from ASCAP and Pump Audio.
So I went to bed after... And I slept like crap. So bad, that I woke up at 9:30... and that’s really early. But I kept tossing and turning... So.. I decided to write this. So, now I’m caught up. 6 more days and I’m free! Looking forward to getting home.


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