Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Attack of the Cougar

Yesterday was quite an interesting day. Especially towards the end. After boat drill, and playing Madden, and hanging out in my room, I eventually took a nap. Which became a very very weird dream saga.
In the dream, it started off with three dancers from the ship in three cars trying to run me over. But like a joke. But they were cramming me against walls and such. Afterwards, one of them took me to a building I was looking to go to because they felt bad. When I got to the top of the building, it was night time and people started jumping off the building to kill themselves. Very confused, I just stood there. But after a few more people jumped, the first person that jumped came up the stairs broken and cut up and angry. He then accused me of taking something that kept them from dying. And they all came after me, eventually throwing me off the building.. but I lived. So I got up running from the area, and bumped into some girl who was in love with me, and wanted a kid. I didn’t know how to escape that, but it eventually I found myself going back to my room to sleep, and someone knocks on the door. I open it, and it’s just two guys who want to see the bathroom. Then they inform me the ship is sinking because we were in a terrible storm. I turn around and notice my room is abnormally huge, with a couch and access to other rooms in the ship. I open the door up, and look out and there’s hundreds of people walking in this large tunnel. I go out, and there are hundreds of thousands of people cheering for me to play. But the place I would be playing is in front of this little restaurant in what looked like Paris for 2 old ladies. Then I woke up. Definitely freaked me out.
I took a shower and got dressed in my clothes and I went up to Lido deck at 5 for the sail away concert. That went over pretty well. Only 3 interruptions.
Afterwards, I went to dinner, and sat with Glenn, Chris and Aaron. Talked more about the cartoon. Showed Aaron his cartoon self. After I ate, I went to get tea, and sat and talked with Natalia (CTC girl) and the new CTC girl, Kerrie. She’s pretty cool too, which is good. Simon was a pretty awesome guy. But she’ll do for a replacement I suppose.
After that I went to my room and played some Madden until 8:30, and then went up and got an iced mocha to wake myself up. Then set up all my stuff in the Casino and started playing for NO ONE. It was pretty dead the whole night (which I credit to the party on lido deck under the stars with all you can eat mexican food.) At 12:10 this girl Kelly and her mom came and watched. Kelly stands out quite a bit from the rest of the passengers because on her left arm she has a lot of highly detailed tattoos. Very pretty then. A tattoo of her grandfather and grandmother were there as well.
Then a woman showed up at around 12:45 who I’ve seen the last two or three nights I’ve played. She was very drunk, and kept calling out to ask if I wanted a drink, which I did not. When I finished up I sat at the bar to talk to some of the people. The woman who I found out was named Thoa, (pronounced Twah) put her arm around mine and kept asking me if I wanted a drink. I kept refusing and then she leaned in close to whisper but she was so drunk she was practically saying it out loud, that she never buys drinks for guys unless she plans on sleeping with them. Trying to find a nice way to respond to that, I thanked her for the compliment but told her I would be fired if I did anything like that. She kept pushing and offering. She asked a couple people to take a picture of the both of us, and she kissed me on the cheek during one of them. That made me slightly nervous, and I was looking around to make sure security wasn’t there, because I could see them blaming me for being in the situation. Kelly asked the bartender to pour me a glass of water in shot glasses, so that Thoa thought I was drinking, but that only made her want me to drink more. Eventually I got caught in conversation with Kelly, the Thoa walked off and went to bed. Though, I did find out Thoa was a pharmacist manager for all the Pharmacist in her city for a particular company. So that was my first real attempt from a cougar to get me.
Now as I’ve written, I got my hair cut and highlighted... Either that has caused the sudden interest in me from people.. Or it’s the Axe deodorant, Axe spray, and Axe body wash that’s doing it (for those who don’t know, AXE promotes that their products will make girls fall for you and lead to late nights). Next time I’ll have to do a controlled variable, and figure out my hypothesis.
Kelly and I got to talking the rest of the night. She’s in cosmetology school. She’s from Orange county. She plays some guitar, and all that. She’s 21. So after we got talking I went to bed, to sleep in for the first time since I was sick. I slept in until 1:30, which was great!
Then I worked on a template song order, and sent that off. Then I played more games, took a shower, got dressed in my nice clothes for formal night, and am writing this now. Got dinner, and my show from 8-1. I’m the most popular musician with the younger crowd by far. I’m the only one doing new music, so that’s cool! Hopefully tonight’s a good night!

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