I woke up today at about 9:45 to go into town to Walmart. As I was leaving my room, I saw my room steward in a room cleaning... and I noticed in the window behind him.. the boat was still moving. He informed me we wouldn’t stop until 11 AM.
So I went back to bed because I needed the sleep. By 12, I woke up again, and went out into the sideways rain. It was freezing cold, and raining hard. I looked around town for the Walmart shuttle. Eventually I ran into Bryan and Megan. When the little shuttle came, it turned out all would fit but me... So I got out to get in the next one. Megan and Brian followed, and we managed to get on a non-squished shuttle.
The town is a lot larger than I thought, for the Walmart was a good ten minutes away and we passed LOTS of places.
Eventually we got there, and it was the standard Walmart. So I went in and got Madden ‘10 for my psp, Family Guy Volume 7, and a 5 dollar movie. I also had a sub at Subway. Eventually I bumped back into Bryan and Megan and we all left together. But the same problem arose when it came to coming on. There was a little room, that I thought I could squeeze into, but some weasel jumped in right in front of me, not giving me a chance. So I just got in the other one by myself. When I arrived back to port, Bryan was waiting for me. So that was cool.
I went back to my room and watched Family Guy, and tried my game out. Turned out I didn’t hae to work until 9:30, So I just hung low.
At 8ish, I was checking my email, and I got an Email from Pumpaudio.com stating they sent my check to my address but it was sent back. They mixed half of my college address and my home address together. So I emailed them and said I’d do direct deposit. I just assumed I probably made 50 bucks or something from song use. TURNS OUT... I made 902 dollars from my songs being used in TV, Website, and other miscellaneous things. “Tainted”, the one song I had no desire for on my album, made me 700 of that.. So.. it was exciting. I’m using that money to order the CDs I sell on the ship.
Gerhard knocked on my door and gave me a stand for the poster that would go in front of the Shanghai Bar. I retrieved my poster, and it was very cool looking. I’ll post it soon.
I got to playing at 9:30 and it was busy once again with everyone singing along. The majority of the music played was music from the last 20 years... I got to play some oldies towards the end, but it was all very fun. Amanda also got the job for CNN as a reporter. She starts in November! I had a couple shots of some very strong drink.. One was from the bartender.. and the Cruise Director came in and bought me one.. I couldn’t turn it down because.. we’ll... he’s the big boss.. So.. that burned.. I definitely don’t like that feeling.
Afterwards, Rachel was back, so we hung out and talked for a few hours. Clocks went forward an hour sometime through out the night, and I ended up going to bed at 6 am. Soo... Gross... I did manage to see the sunrise over the ocean.. It was very worth it.. SO beautiful... So.. I’m going to bed!
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