July 24th, 10:39 pm
Just had an awesome performing night. The audience was JUST perfect for what I like to do. I got to play a lot of ninties. Most people requested it, and the whole bar was filled while the whole place was filled with people. Best night so far. During one break, I spoke with a couple about their adventures in Alaska for the day. Played some more, and when I got done I had several people stop me to tell me i was the best entertainer on the ship, and they had nothing to do because I was done. Very flattering indeed. One of the photographers, Amanda said she’d go with me and show me around Jeanau and take me to the super walmart. I hear it’s a HUGE city, and the best one we go to. (Lucky for me, it’s my day off.) So I got her 4 digit number, and we’ll go around noon. I haven’t had a chance to eat dinner. So I’ll probably go to the crew mess around 12 and get some grub. Then pass out ‘til 8, eat, go into town and get on the internet for a bit, upload all my blogs and pictures, and then.. lunch, hang with Amanda, and um... come back.. and entertain myself.
*FOR A COMPLETE SET OF PICTURES, CHECK OUT MY FACEBOOK OR http://www.flickr.com/photos/40789728@N03/sets/72157621701090095/
Gosh! At first I thought it was an Egypt pyramid. NICE ship!